This big fellow’s knife chop is ten times stronger than Wang Jiajun’s hand knife check. Zhang Ping also dare not despise a deer galloping attack on the other side and a deep hiding name at the moment of close-quarters key. The Chinese big fellow quickly closed his knife and defended Zhang Ping. At this time, he stretched out his finger and grabbed the Chinese big fellow at the blade. "Aren’t you afraid of the blade?" So after a little hesitation, I saw that Zhang Ping’s finger had caught the knife, only to find that there were still several inches between his palm and the blade. Suddenly, the sword popped up with a single finger, and Zhang Ping’s right hand leaned out and slapped it on his shoulder, and then an ape jumped out of the wall.
Zhang Ping left the Golden Knife Gate and went back to the inn to have a rest. He came out of his body to investigate again, but when he saw the Golden Knife Gate, it was a mess.
Seeing Wang Yuanba, the enemy of the Golden Sword, sitting at the head, he asked the Chinese man, "Can you tell the martial arts skills of the attacker in Bofen?"
Wang Bofen replied, "I can feel that this man is a first-rate figure in Wulin in terms of lightness skill and kung fu, and the last finger seems to be a famous swordsman, but it is incredible that this man is short and seems to be a child."
Wang Yuanba turned his hands and said, "This matter has been speculated in my heart as I expected. That person is Yu Canghai Jiajun, the head of the Qingcheng Sect, but his right leg is completely broken. It must be caused by the Qingcheng Sect’s destruction of his heart. Plus this person is short and light. There is really no second person in the martial arts."
At this time, Wang Zhongxiong, next to Wang Bofen, said, "But our Qingcheng School used to resent the recent hatred, so Yu Canghai has no reason to shoot at us."
Wang Yuanba replied, "I think Yu Canghai is a drunkard’s sake this time, mainly to test that my golden knife gate is actually aimed at your sister’s in-laws, but this Yu Canghai martial arts is really amazing. Judging from the situation of Bofen’s fight, my father is not his opponent. We will make plans after we have patience with today’s things for a while."
Wang Bofen was angry and said, "This Qingcheng Sect is abhorrent. If you have a chance, you must look good."
Wang Yuanba said, "Bofen can’t be reckless. Yu Canghai has high martial arts skills. We shouldn’t have a head-on conflict. This matter is over. Go back and deal with this matter. If you are not angry, you can go back to practice martial arts and find the field in the future."
Zhang Ping heard here that he had stumbled into the Qingcheng Mountain School by mistake, and he went to the satisfied soul and body.
Chapter 31 Kanli siddhi
Zhang Ping continued to practice the body and learn medical skills from the Golden Knife Gate, and the night passed quickly.
The next morning, Zhang Ping retired from the guest room after breakfast and packed up and headed for Songshan.
This Songshan Mountain started from Zhang Pingchen, west of Luoyang, and arrived at the foot of Songshan Mountain at dusk. It didn’t take long for Zhang Ping to set off for Songshan Sect, and it turned dark. Zhang Ping took advantage of the out-of-body experience to explore the way ahead, launch one mind and two controls, and then proceed carefully.
After a journey, I suddenly heard that two jade dragons hung straight from the cliff like thunder, and the two jade dragons plunged into the double waterfalls. Zhang Ping saw a stone tablet "Shengguanfeng" next to the side peak of the waterfall, and the mountain road became more and more dangerous and steep. Seeing the interruption of the two peaks, naturally a high wind blew out clouds from the cut-off place, and three vigorous Chinese characters "Chaotianmen" were engraved on the side. Zhang Ping turned to the northwest and reached the peak of Songshan Mountain, which was called "Eji".
Zuo Lengchan, the head of Songshan Sect, although he has a word "Zen" in his name, is not a Buddhist brother, and his martial arts are close to Taoism. Therefore, Zhang Ping is not afraid that there are a lot of Buddha statues and Buddhist scriptures in it. Zhang Ping’s soul entered the temple and saw the ancient Baisen Hall and the Buddha hall. Although it is much worse than the Shaolin Temple’s Daxiong Hall, it is not as good as it is.
After confirming the safety, Zhang Ping decisively went to Zuo Lengchan’s wing, the second generation brother of the Taibao Sect in Songshan.
Although I had known that most of the exquisite martial arts in Wulin were memorized by word of mouth, most of them were residual tricks, but Zhang Ping still didn’t give up and went through many Songshan Taibao and the second-generation brother’s room to find a handwritten copy of Songshan Jianpu. Zhang Ping’s martial arts practice has been deeply studied and he has finished memorizing it after reading it several times.
It can be said that the 17-way swordsmanship recorded in Songshan Sword Spectrum is exquisite, and its swordsmanship has been rigorous and vigorous, and it has recorded the length and speed of swordsmanship, which can exert great power on various fighting occasions and situations.
Finally, Zhang Ping went to explore Zuo Lengchan’s room and saw that Zuo Lengchan was studying a few cheats and writing a cheat himself. Zhang Ping quickly drifted over and saw that it was Songshan’s method, Songyang’s palm strength and a broken turtle’s breath tactic, while Zuo Lengchan was writing that Zhang Ping saw that it was a cold force that got such a good opportunity. Zhang Ping wrote these cheats overnight and hurried to the mountain at dawn the next day.
Zhang Ping, who went to Deshan, focused on the study of Zuo Lengchan’s writing of this skill. There are still differences in the operation method of Yin Attribute Force that he learned in Chivalrous Island. The operation method of Yin Attribute Force in Chivalrous Island is to change the Yin attribute of force through special operation, while Zuo Lengchan wrote this skill about how to cultivate a Yin attribute force and nourish it in Dantian to drive its growth when practicing.
Zhang Ping hurried to the mountain to rent a small farmhouse and studied this new achievement.
Zuo Lengchan’s writing skill was named by Zhang Ping. The key point of the cold planting method is to inhale the cold in the night from Baihui point through the midvein into Dantian every day, slowly compress it, and then restore yourself to the true qi. Zhang Ping feels that this method is similar in daily gas production, so he set out to prepare for cultivation after thorough research.
Zhang Pingxian condensed and expanded the cold species in January, and then after work every day, he ran it according to the Xuanyin method of Chivalrous Island to give birth to a new cold species, which was really two points colder than before, but his meridians seemed to be unable to stand this extremely cold force. Zhang Pinghad to turn the force to extreme yang for a long time before resolving it.
Later, Zhang Ping thought that the cold force was too cold. It wasn’t long before Zhang Ping decided to create an opposing skill, that is, an inflammation tactic, to create a balanced cold species.
Zhang Ping has learned a lot, and the realm is already high, and there is a cold tactic and a big song yang strength as a reference. In March, he successfully created it, and he created an inflammatory species at noon every day to create a cold species, and then he was strengthened by the special power operation method of Chivalrous Island. Finally, he nurtured each other and neutralized the achievement method. Zhang Ping felt that this achievement method still needs to be improved, because it would be better if the yin and yang forces could be perfect.
Therefore, Zhang Ping carefully fused a yin attribute force and a yang attribute force. On the spot, it almost caught fire and scared Zhang Ping to quickly mobilize a lot of force to suppress it before it hurt the tendons.
After this, Zhang Ping’s experiment became more and more careful, but he was afraid to act rashly before he had a mature idea. Zhang Ping felt that all his strength was from Taoism, so he felt that the answer should be found in Taoist classics.
On this day, Zhang Ping was thinking about Taoist classics, and it suddenly occurred to him that he was familiar with Lv Zu’s hundred-word tablet at first. In this inscription, it is said that Qi Hui Dan is self-contained in a pot, and it is said that it is yin and yang, but where is the pot? But it has always been a problem. Zhang Ping managed to find a way of thinking, but the more he thought about it, the more chaotic he went out to prepare for fun.
Zhang Ping went out to Songshan Foot Town and went to the forest. After practicing the fencing of Songshan Sect for two hours in the forest, he was ready to go back.
Walking back to the town, I just saw an old farmer selling bamboo baskets. The old farmer seemed to have a bad business. When Zhang Ping came, he quickly shouted, "Little brother, take a look. Everything in the bamboo baskets is convenient and strong for the old man."
The old farmer’s words made Zhang Ping suddenly move in his heart. He suddenly laughed and threw a handful of copper coins to the old farmer and said, "Thank you for your kind words." Then he cast his flying skills and ran to the yard to leave the old farmer with Zhang Ping to leave the copper coins there at a loss.
When Zhang Ping returned to the yard, he immediately prepared to close it. Today, he realized from the old farmer’s words that the pot was to be made by himself.
So Zhang Ping calmly adjusted the state to the best, and his basic force formed a ball to wrap the two forces of Yin and Yang. After the preparation, Zhang Ping decisively controlled the integration of Yin and Yang, and the two forces merged again, but the surrounding spherical force layer actually succeeded in merging into a new force.

When Zhang Ping saw that his goal had been reached, he pulled himself out and flew back. He was extremely strong and used his golden knife all the way without leaving a line. When he saw a figure flash by, he disappeared. Just as Zhang Ping was about to jump off the wall, he suddenly saw a big drink "what a timid thief" and saw a big man coming with a knife ahead.
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在繁忙的都市生活中,压力无处不在。对于南宁的男士们来说,一个能够放松身心、缓解压力的地方变得尤为重要。南宁男子SPA馆正是这样一个能够让人尽情享受生活的地方。在这里,专业技师们用他们的技艺和热情,为每一位男士带来极致的SPA体验。 南宁男子SPA馆内环境优雅,装修风格简约而不失档次。走进馆内,首先映入眼帘的是一排排舒适的按摩床,以及各种先进的SPA设备。馆内还设有多个独立包厢,保证每位顾客的隐私。 在南宁男子SPA馆,有许多技艺高超的技师,他们拥有丰富的经验和专业的技能。以下是一些值得推荐的技师: 1. 雪梨:雪梨技师手法娴熟,擅长各种按摩技巧。她对待每一位顾客都充满热情,能够准确把握顾客的需求,让顾客在轻松愉快的氛围中享受SPA。 2. 小兰:小兰技师拥有多年的从业经验,对各种按摩手法了如指掌。她注重细节,能够根据顾客的身体状况调整按摩力度,让顾客在享受按摩的同时,感受到身心的放松。 3. 米雪:米雪技师擅长爪哇式按摩,手法独特,能够有效缓解肩颈、腰臀部等部位的疲劳。她对待工作认真负责,让顾客在享受按摩的过程中,感受到温暖和关爱。 4. 独立包厢简食养生茶:南宁男子SPA馆还提供独立包厢简食养生茶服务,让顾客在享受按摩的同时,品尝到美味的养生茶,进一步提升SPA体验。 南宁男子SPA馆的服务项目丰富多样,包括: 1. 净桑:通过高温蒸汽,帮助顾客排除体内毒素,改善血液循环。 2. 高端水疗:利用专业设备,为顾客提供全身水疗,缓解疲劳,增强免疫力。 3. 特色SPA:根据顾客需求,提供个性化的SPA服务,如肩颈、腰臀部SPA推拿、草本热敷药浴等。 4. 香薰按摩:在专业技师的指导下,使用天然精油,为顾客提供放松身心的香薰按摩。 南宁男子SPA馆不仅是一个放松身心的好去处,更是男士们商务宴请、朋友聚会的好地方。在这里,您可以尽情享受高品质的SPA服务,与朋友共享美好时光。 总之,南宁男子SPA馆是一个集休闲、养生、保健于一体的好地方。在这里,您将找到属于自己的放松空间,让身心得到充分的休息和滋养。不妨给自己一个机会,来南宁男子SPA馆,感受不一样的美好生活吧!
在现代快节奏的生活中,头部SPA成为了一种流行的放松方式。南宁作为广西的省会,拥有众多高品质的头部SPA中心,为忙碌的人们提供了一个释放压力、舒缓心情的绝佳去处。以下是一些南宁头部SPA放松心情的秘籍,让你在繁忙的生活中找到片刻宁静。 首先,选择一家专业的头部SPA中心至关重要。在南宁,众多头部SPA中心各有特色,但并非所有都能提供优质的服务。建议您在选择时,关注以下几点: 1. 环境舒适:一个温馨、安静的SPA环境有助于放松心情。选择一家装修风格独特、氛围舒适的头部SPA中心,让你在享受服务的同时,感受到身心的愉悦。 2. 技师专业:头部SPA的技师需要具备丰富的经验和专业的手法。在南宁,许多头部SPA中心拥有资深的技师团队,他们能够根据您的需求,提供个性化的服务。 3. 服务项目丰富:头部SPA中心的服务项目应多样化,以满足不同顾客的需求。在南宁,头部SPA中心通常提供按摩、刮痧、拔罐、足浴等多种服务。 接下来,让我们一起来了解一下头部SPA的放松心情秘籍: 1. 按摩放松:头部按摩是头部SPA的核心项目,通过专业技师的手法,可以缓解头部、颈部、肩部的肌肉紧张,改善血液循环,促进新陈代谢。在南宁的头部SPA中心,您可以享受到专业的按摩服务,让身心得到彻底放松。 2. 刮痧排毒:头部刮痧是一种古老的中医疗法,通过刮痧可以促进头部血液循环,加速新陈代谢,排出体内毒素。在南宁的头部SPA中心,您可以尝试这种独特的放松方式,让身心焕然一新。 3. 足浴养生:足浴是一种传统的养生方法,通过泡脚可以缓解疲劳、改善睡眠、增强免疫力。在南宁的头部SPA中心,您可以享受到专业的足浴服务,让身心得到全面的放松。 4. 香薰疗法:香薰疗法是一种通过嗅觉刺激来放松心情的方法。在南宁的头部SPA中心,您可以尝试香薰疗法,让身心沉浸在香气中,缓解压力,舒缓情绪。 总之,南宁的头部SPA中心为忙碌的人们提供了一个放松心情、舒缓压力的绝佳去处。通过以上秘籍,相信您可以在南宁的头部SPA中心找到属于自己的宁静时光。在繁忙的生活中,不妨给自己一个放松的机会,让头部SPA成为您心情的守护者。
蝉spa南宁,以舒适与专业的服务,为繁忙都市中的您提供一个放松身心的绝佳去处。这家位于南宁的SPA中心,不仅环境优雅,服务周到,更以其独特的按摩手法和丰富的项目选择,成为众多寻求身心放松人士的首选。 踏入蝉spa南宁,首先映入眼帘的是宽敞明亮的大厅,装饰简洁而不失格调,营造出一种静谧舒适的氛围。会所内设有多个独立包厢,每个包厢都配有舒适的按摩床和私密的空间,确保每位顾客都能享受到无干扰的放松体验。 在蝉spa南宁,您可以享受到多种专业的按摩服务。从传统的中医推拿到现代的芳香疗法,再到具有地方特色的爪哇式按摩,每一项服务都由经验丰富的技师亲自操作。技师们熟练的手法和专业的知识,能够根据每位顾客的具体需求,提供个性化的按摩方案。 其中,香薰按摩是蝉spa南宁的一大特色。技师们会根据顾客的喜好和身体状况,挑选适合的香薰精油,通过专业的手法将精油渗透到体内,改善血液循环,放松肌肉,从而达到净化身心的效果。这种独特的按摩方式,不仅能够缓解疲劳,还能帮助顾客释放压力,提升睡眠质量。 除了按摩服务,蝉spa南宁还提供一系列的养生项目,如草本热敷、药浴泡脚等。这些项目结合了中医养生理念,旨在帮助顾客调理身体,增强体质。在繁忙的工作之余,来到这里,您可以尽情享受这些养生项目带来的舒适与放松。 蝉spa南宁的环境也是其一大亮点。会所内装饰温馨,每一处细节都透露出对顾客的关怀。从舒适的座椅到柔软的地毯,再到精心挑选的装饰画,无不展现出对品质的追求。此外,会所还设有茶室,顾客在享受按摩服务的同时,还可以品尝到美味的茶饮,让身心得到全方位的放松。 值得一提的是,蝉spa南宁的服务态度也令人称赞。无论是预约咨询还是现场接待,工作人员都表现出极高的专业素养和热情。他们耐心解答顾客的疑问,确保每位顾客都能得到满意的体验。 总之,蝉spa南宁以其舒适的按摩空间、专业的服务团队和丰富的项目选择,成为南宁地区男士SPA的佼佼者。在这里,您将找到属于自己的放松方式,让身心得到彻底的放松与舒缓。无论是在繁忙的工作中寻求片刻的宁静,还是在闲暇时光享受高品质的休闲时光,蝉spa南宁都是您的不二之选。