But at this time, Sun Hao felt that once he was influenced by Poseidon Judo, once he chose to compromise and talk, then his overbearing practice was realizing that the overbearing horse would be affected to some extent, and maybe he would be directly assimilated by Poseidon Judo, so that his hegemony would be eliminated.

It is precisely because of this feeling that Sun Hao stubbornly showed himself overbearing and unreasonable and fought fiercely with Poseidon.
It seems that it is not flattering, but it is actually a kind of hegemonic practice. After the exhibition, it also produced good practice results.
After the war, all Sun Hao’s minds sank into the constant perception of his own hegemonic power in practice, compared with judo and fighting.
Judo restrains bullying.
In this restrained state, Sun Hao’s overbearing power must always maintain a high-intensity operation posture to have a fighting force.
Judo restrains bullying.
The judo power of restraint has a very clear reference for Sun Hao’s bullying practice.
In the battle, Xingtian Wu Bo did a good job by being able to fight. Occasionally, he was able to give full play to his strength and overbearing power, break through the shackles of Poseidon Judo and launch a close attack on Poseidon.
Poseidon is not very suitable for close combat with his opponent. Every time, he will display a defensive water shield or simply avoid water, which is not quite common sense.
The outbreak of witchcraft in Xingtian gave Sun Hao another good opportunity to understand bullying.
Observing his state carefully, Sun Hao suddenly found that every time he broke through Poseidon judo, his strength was the greatest.
The biggest reason for strength is that when his bullying and Xingtian’s witch’s spirit are just perfectly integrated.
Overbearing force, physical force, combined together, brutally tore judo, intercepted and killed Poseidon.
Shui Rou can accept everything, and Shui Rou can cover everything.
Soft water is endless, but soft water has one characteristic, that is, it is easy to be instantly defeated at a certain point in time.
The main factor that determines the size of the area during this defeat is actually the size of one’s own strength
When one’s strength, overbearing power and physical strength are perfectly combined, one can successfully surpass judo to intercept oneself, pierce a hole in Poseidon judo and directly kill her body.
After realizing this, Sun Hao consciously mobilized his deputy mind to control bullying and integrate with his physical strength.
As the battle goes on, the integration becomes more and more smooth, and the cooperation becomes better and better. When Sun Hao breaks through Poseidon Judo, the number of times will increase.
In this way, Sun Hao found himself understanding bullying more and more.
I have to say that Poseidon is really the best opponent and touchstone for her self-cultivation and bullying. Poseidon doesn’t have too many powerful and direct destructive means. Maybe she understands judo. Her main way of fighting is to pester her opponent by continuous and long attacks.
Her personality is also slightly soft and docile, and she will not be so furious and desperate, which gives Sun Hao a lot of good opportunities to understand hegemonic warfare.
In the continuous battle, Sun Hao became more and more familiar with the integration and cooperation of bullying and physical strength, and his understanding of bullying reached a new height.
In the battle, Sun Hao suddenly felt that his physical strength should be an important part of his overbearing power.
Physical strength is the same as the practice of gale, thunder and fire in front of you, and the bullying force of bullying others. They are all a component that can form their own bullying.
And based on this cognition, Sun Hao got a new understanding.
The root of bullying is still a word.
If you don’t have the power to bully, talk about it.
The force determines whether bullying is strong or weak, and the relative reason is that the force is relative.
Overbearing is a reflection of the strength contrast.
Overbearing should be violent and rude. How can force be violent? Overbearing should be arrogant and unreasonable, and forcibly occupy it. How can force be arrogant and how can force be seized?
Overbearing and wild need strength to support.
It is the root of bullying to show its power.
In ancient times, there was a overlord who could pull out the mountain, and there was an ancient poem saying, "It’s hard to die in heaven. It’s hard to be murderous. The sword light is cold. The sword light is cold. It’s hard to cover the castle peak. The Central Plains wants to cross the river, but Yan Ge is struggling for the championship."
Overlord hates heaven. If heaven has a handle, he can hold it in one hand and pull it out.
Bawangli hates the earth ring. If the earth has an iron ring to focus on, he can hold it and give it up.
This is the real overlord power.
This is the real overbearing power
What is overbearing? It is a kind of overbearing posture based on the strength of its own arrogance. This is overbearing.
The root of bullying is one’s unparalleled strength.
Domineering and powerful also depends on one’s own understanding of the power of gale, thunder and fire, and so on, which melts into one’s own strength to produce a huge and powerful situation of bullying and crushing everything.
This is bullying
Buried in the belly button, Sun Hao kept screaming and screaming. After thinking about the real root of bullying, the whole person suddenly felt that his enlightenment practice had reached a new height.
Hand bucket day stick Sun Haopiao neutral stick leans straight, belly button mouth bursts with majestic laughter, and mouth says, "I hate heaven to pull out the green hills to cover the Central Plains, hahaha, I’m white, Poseidon girl eats your uncle’s stick …"
Violent momentum poured out from Sun Hao’s body.
The senior master was called a little girl by Sun Hao. This is a kind of rough and heroic attitude that really doesn’t put Poseidon in the slightest. This is a kind of arrogance that completely gets rid of its own shackles
In the distance, Poseidon’s body can’t help but be slightly stunned, flowers are flourishing, and I can’t see clearly the vague and delicate face. The bright red blossoming flowers blooms like a girl’s instantaneous rise and a lot of hongxia.
I don’t know how many years no one has called himself little girl, and no one dares to call himself uncle in front of himself.
Sure enough, those monks who practice the special avenue of heaven and earth are so unscrupulous to practice overbearing monks. That’s a nuisance
Poseidon’s angry hands flew and layers of sea water set off huge waves and rushed towards Sun Hao.
Sun Hao took the mountain to catch the moon, strode like a meteor, and rushed wildly with his right hand dragging his bucket stick …
Chapter DiErWuJiu bullying potential
Overbearing incomparable momentum will shake the sea water in front of him like a light rain to disperse around …
The overbearing momentum of the bucket-day stick has already contained its own physical strength, and the strength has not yet broken out. The momentum has shaken its surrounding judo, and it has become the fastest.
Strong momentum, wild posture
In the sea, there will be a scene in which people will be shocked, and the posture of hand-to-hand fighting with a stick will suddenly jump into everyone’s eyes.
In particular, the phrase "Poseidon girl" by the drug god gives you a new cognitive annotation on Poseidon instantly.
Many monks, especially those who practice well and are not weak and powerful, have a very clear perception at this time, that is, it seems that the image of Poseidon in their hearts has been forcibly broken and reorganized by Sun Hao.
Repair the profound monk secretly lose at the same time also suddenly a bright eyes.
This kind of break should be a real break of momentum.
In the past, when people watched the battle between Poseidon and Medicine God, the overall feeling was that the word was soft.
The truth is that everything softened when the drug god rushed to Poseidon.
On how powerful the posture of the drug god is, it can’t be submerged in the sea than most attacks
After watching the war for so many years, everyone’s deepest feeling is that this battle has been going on and on, and when it really takes place, the speed has slowed down, the strength has softened, and finally it can’t be done.
In this state, everyone has a faint feeling of laziness, especially after many medical practitioners in the small town of Forna have become accustomed to this state, they practice leisurely, except for a few monks who really pay attention to the battlefield, such as the anemone brothers, such as A Bi and others. Most of the time, everyone has already done what they should do.
Over the past few decades, many monks have changed dynasties, and many monks have even moved to other places. Of course, if they are not repaired, they will not be able to get in. The momentum around the town of Lafer is shrouded, and ordinary weak monks can’t stand this momentum oppression.
But at this moment,
Sun Hao laughed and told the sea god girl to eat grandpa’s stick. When each monk woke up from a big dream, he generally had a completely different feeling.
Poseidon is more lively, less generous, more innocent, less gentle and more charming.


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